International Certificate Board (ICB) is a global certifying body that grants credential awards and confers business degrees to individuals via AREL program, as well as accredits courses of organizations.

During the late 90s, several business leaders and eminent professors in the developed economies gathered to discuss the impact of globalization on occupational competence. The ad-hoc group met in Vienna and discussed the need to establish a global organization to accredit the skills and experiences of the workforce, so that they can be globally recognized as being competent in a specified field.

International Certificate Board (ICB) was officially established at the start of the new millennium and was first registered in the Germany in 2015. Today, its professional activities are coordinated through Authorized and Accredited Centers in America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa.

ICB is a Global Authority on Occupational Certification, and the global expertise of the Councilors is recognition of this authority. The world body recognizes cross-national skills, competencies and professional practices that are indicative of occupational capability and derived from internationally accepted best practices.

ICB provides a structured assessment system to assess and certify globally accepted experiential work practices, skills, competencies and professional management. The basic criteria for receiving credential awards are adequate years of experience and demonstration of competence in a specialized field.

ICB’s Primary Role is to grant any of six Credential Awards to individuals who meet the criteria to receive these awards. The assessment process entails examining, validating and authenticating the experiential skill and occupational competence that are required for a Credential Award. Those applying for a Certified Credential Award must possess the required qualifications from ICB Accredited Institutions.

ICB’s Secondary Role is to accredit courses conducted by organizations that are not in the listing of ICB Accredited Institutions. These organizations could be universities, colleges, schools, professional institutions, and training companies.

To align quality and education levels, ICB Academy has started its worldwide activities, and in this field has been very active and has shown remarkable growth. The research of this institute has played a key role in achieving its goals, resulting in significant annual R & D spending.